Teignmouth Folk Festival

Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd June 2024

Teignmouth Folk Festival Sponsors

Thanks to all of our sponsors:
teignmouth council logo

Special thanks for help from the following:

Anthony Veal for providing the map for the programme.
Houston Diamond for building the festival website and keeping it updated, also providing accommodation for Fidelity Sound.
Hugh Diamond for sponsorship.
John and Chris Elliott for band accommodation.
Matt from SPS Records for donating a raffle prize and selling the festival fundraising CD in his shop.
Mike & Joy Rendell for sponsorship.
Emilie Savary for band accommodation.
Teignmouth Social Club for accommodating the festival committee meetings.
Oliver Wheaton for providing artwork and technical advice.

Harberton Circular for their support with marketing.
Pavilions Teignmouth for their support with marketing.
TAAG for their support with marketing.

If you can, please follow our social media pages for updates to lineups and news on the Teignmouth Folk Festival’s Facebook Page Facebook QR Code

Please also join the Teignmouth Folk Festival Facebook Group Page Facebook group page QR Code

For all enquires, please contact